
In listening to the incoming soul, we are offered a glimpse of divine creation, purity and perfection… it is a precision of a soul arriving to birth that can reveal the very heartbeat of the universe in creational motion   This child is the future and their creation begins long before birth.

If we truly listen to this soul we can meet them in truth, integrity and precision, beyond our own limitations and stories, our boundaries, belief systems and collective constructs…and beyond the edges of our known, where the future unfurls….  

The conception point is a precise point in the fabric of universal time and space, with a blueprint, geometry and consciousness - divine form ignited into being, a new child conceived, a new baby unfurling itself through the embryology of form to birth - an exquisite new life. The conception point is the moment the timeless meets time and space, where the infinite meets structure and spirit engages matter with a definition and purpose, encoded and held deep within the core of the being, a fabric of form woven from many intricate threads to give substance to the soul. There is a moment where the territory of the past, present and future of humanity is touched, active within the weave, where the reason for being of this soul, in this body has definition, detail, information… incoming soul precision. It is detail we can touch, we can see, feel and understand, if we know how to listen…

This listening takes place only in meeting the soul of the child beyond any imposition. The incoming soul simply does not exist within the confines of our preconceived concepts, our belief systems, our psychology, or our religious and spiritual teachings… nor do they exist solely within our medical knowledge of biological reproduction. Fertility is a far greater science when we recognise the soul-into-body physics of conception as a universal physics of form, life, spirit-into-matter. Who we are, how we exist, why we are here, now on this earth... this divine human form...

The only referent we can ever use to see and understand the conception of life, is that of the soul igniting the point of its own conception into form…to engage the dance of spirit and matter, in the myriad of expressions and genetic,-environmental-nature-nurture equations of human beingness… creation and destruction, birth and death, life unfurling in a fabric of existence. It is something we are all able to learn to listen to, engage, see, feel and experience in every moment, it is who we are, it is the life we live… this is what the body is designed to do, in full function, to sense, experience, navigate and know ourselves as a stunning aspect of the fabric of creation in action. And this is Listening.


When we truly see through the eyes of our incoming soul, from the perspective of the one preparing for birth, the soul embodying onto this earth in all its stunning precision and artistry, we can open to an entirely new understanding. The incoming souls gift us the eyes and the cellular experience to see what could not be seen, to draw the map of the territory we could not know, to give us access to the colours of the crayons we did not have, time-space-dimensional detail that transcends separation and individuation. An experiential referent that answers our deepest questions and meets our most personal longings…

Beyond our own individual embodiment story and identity we have carried through life, we are offered a moment to see ourselves through the eyes of the incoming soul as they enfold us within their form… the purity of who we came to be, soul-to-body, at our birth and all the threads of our personal fabric and relationships. We can be witness to how these are intricately touched, met and seen by the one enfolding us, the soul of our incoming child and our many children, who in the vastness of their creational motion gift us access to our infinite, unfurled brilliance.. . The who, why and how of ourselves as individuals and parents is exquisitely enfolded within the body of the child we carry, nurture and grow. To learn to see through their eyes at each stage, as the incoming soul creates and engages their baby body, gives us the moment-to-moment knowing of what is needed, what choices to make, how to respond to the ups and downs, the birth itself, and the beauty of the moment we enfold their wee bodies within the baby blanket, feeling ourselves fully enfolded within the vastness of who this soul is, and will be in this life. It is the most intimate and true seeing of this newly born child.


An incoming soul is here to be birthed into the fulfilment of their own vast and incredible design, beyond our own ideals and loving intentions.  We do not need to control this process or engage in pregnancy ‘healing’ in a 'fix ourselves first' kind of way.  The incoming soul leads the dance of mother and child (and wider family) in the greater orchestration of their conception.  They are in the driver’s seat and lead us as they conceive, weaving their consciousness through our body, our family, our future, opening and giving opportunities for us to rewrite, reweave and resolve the embodiment story of our life. We are constantly held and enfolded in the vast universal fabric of our child-to-be. All is in unfurl through their lead, ever in a dance of one greater symphony, and cannot be diminished as a disconnected discordant motion. From a more complete weave, resolution and transformation take place with currency of action toward wholeness. Healing, listening and meditating from separation, or separating out from the true motion of creation here, misses the exquisitely unfolding process and rich understandings. All experience has purpose, all threads have meaning, inherently precise in the design. Similarly, we cannot look at conception as a linear there-to-here process of a separate ‘spirit’ coming from ‘there’ to ‘here’. Nothing is linear and conception occurs according to the laws of Universal physics. To lessen, limit or linearise our view of the incarnating soul is to miss the divine magnificence of creation unfurling, with the view from the lead performer to guide our understanding. Listening and receiving the incoming soul in full integrity allows a reveal of, and rest into, the creational motion at every stage of the physical conception, pregnancy and birth. This incoming soul, this conception, this birth…. This child.

If a soul is present with the mother-to-be, then it is has creational purpose, and we can listen to this detail. All fertility ‘issues’, symptomology and challenges presenting can be understood by seeing from the referent view of the incoming soul and listening to the conception point of the child. Understanding one’s own embodiment story and resolving the held points of trauma and held limitations can free the body physiology to be in the motion of creation. Listening to the bio-form detail we can understand where these holds and patterns are and where the many threads of our personal embodiment story are inherently being touched and woven by our incoming child. The why of this child-mother, the why of this family. This listening gives us direct understandings that we can move with in our daily life, towards the conception of the baby and family we so dearly wish for, and without needing to under-take assisted fertility procedures. The very same listening is also what is most needed during times of loss, of a pregnancy, an illness or other circumstance. The unborn child is always part of the vast fabric of existence that touches all. There is precision in all life if we choose to listen beyond any and all linear separation… if we step outside the neatly defined parameters we hold and venture to see life through they eyes of the soul of the child, engaging a wider cellular experience, and meeting them in their creational magnificence in action.

This embryonic form is something far greater than simply the division of cells, the random chance of genetic inheritance, the maybes, and who-knows chaos of ‘falling pregnant’, an accident or a planned event. This being is something far greater than an intangible spirit-baby-bubble of light, or some ephemeral vague essence, floating in the etheric soup of the unknown. This incoming child is a definitive universal existence, she has a soul with a vast universal history and identity, origins and blueprinted purpose.. she arrives with the biological imperative to fulfil a precise universal reason for being, a creational human with precise information consciousness to gift this world, a life of becoming to begin.

In listening to the incoming soul we are given the access and the information to know this child. We are never, in this work, imposing any technique or process to imagine or perceive or overlay intention, we are never holding limitations of any frame-work, concept or theory that will shape a view to fit, or a linear staff-in-the-ground referent of any spiritual school of thought. The incoming soul reveals themselves, not as a spirit entity in a cliche angel card reading, but as a unique being in creation engaging the universal physics of form .. the currency of the action of consciousness informing form … universal physics in geometry of spin, weave of fabric, ignition of life… The incoming soul reveals themselves in the information within the the fluid of the cell, the womb, the tissues… the currency of the beat of the heart, the synapses of pathways beings formed, the notochord and gut tube formation… they reveal themselves in the currency of the dividing cell, in the weave of ancestral threads and gene action specific to their incarnational purpose… and they reveal themselves in the symptoms, the challenges, the presenting ‘issues’, the whirlwind of emotions, family dramas… they reveal themselves through each an every personal and family thread as it is rewoven in this brand new baby body. Each and every moment of pregnancy can be listened to and met from the non-separation of the mother-baby-body, from the fabric of consciousness enfolding and becoming the cellular form, the details in daily life, more-so than the meditative ‘connection’ techniques, are our access and our information… form enfolding form enfolding form. The posture of who this soul will be as they stand upon this earth is already seeded deeply within the cells of this embryo, and this becoming will define the currency of the life unfurling… to know this child, this heart-beat, this being, to birth this baby, is our becoming, and coming home, as parents.


Listening becomes our personal referent, for who we are, how we exist and navigate life… it is where we understand ourselves in our own embodiment story and how we are in dynamic of relationship with everyone in our lives… it is where we can be in ownership and choice, where we can explore freedom and meaning and where we can exist and be generative within the fabric of our lives…It is a listening beyond separation of spirit and matter, beyond the separate egoic self and beyond all that holds us in to a linear existence and identity… Listening is knowing ourselves as the universal I am, in this human form, it senses, sees and feels through all dimensional levels embodied within the cellular form, it knows self-as-other-as-same, and lives and breathes the very fabric of existence, articulating and creating from fullness. Listening begins and ends from a core zero point geometry, like the beginning and end of the rainbow, with all colours held within, the universal wholeness enfolding and expressing all individuation… Listening is knowing Home as Form.


Shelley Lemaire

Shelley Lemaire has gifted us the referent view of the Incoming Souls…to see through their eyes and feel their exquisite existence and creational motion; to understand conception from the perspective of the one conceiving, birth from the one who is being birthed, and embodiment from the one embodying.   Her work with fertility, pregnancy and birth over the last 25 years has brought incredible evolutionary understandings of the changing nature of embodiment, consciousness and form.  Shelley is the voice of the incomings, teaching purely through listening to, and receiving, the essence and architecture of the incoming souls - to understand each individual conception and birth within the vast universal fabric of all incoming consciousness on this earth.   It is an intricate multi-faceted non-duality view of a constantly evolving weave of consciousness as form… each thread and each child weaving their gift within the whole. She teaches parents, families, birth-workers and practitioners to listen at the highest level of integrity, following the lead of the incoming soul, to receive each in purity and precision at the level of the consciousness they arrive with, beyond all imposition, story, history, existing constructs, beliefs, creation myth etc... And beyond the lens of separation and duality thought, allowing each incoming soul to exist in a pure revealing of their truth and precision, in creation of their own conception, and their wider inter-woven creational motion through our family and global/earth body.  Shelley teaches and shares their continually unfurling story.